Federal Computing Week
Team Cymru commissioned Forrester Consulting to quantify the positive financial impact of external threat hunting using our Pure Signal™ Recon solution.* This Fortune 100 client saved millions of dollars, over three years. In this on-demand webinar, we take a deeper dive into the results of thsi study with Teri Robinson of Federal Computing Week, and Team Cymru’s Dave Monnier. We talk about how Fortune 100 companies could block attacks before they’re launched and phishing emails before they’re sent, as well as the value of extending your attack surface visibility to your entire third-party ecosystem.
In this on-demand webinar, you will....
- Learn why Fortune 100 companies are making external threat hunting a strategic priority.
- Gain insights from a Forrester Total Economic Impact™ study that found this novel approach yielded a 488% ROI over 3 years with payback in less than 6 months.
- Learn the unrealized value of your analyst team.
*Forrester Consulting. The Total Economic Impact™️ of Team Cymru Recon.A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Team Cymru.
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