Gain Visibility of the Threats That Matter Most

Ransomware disrupts your entire supply chain
Identifying compromised organizations across the supply chain or your own infrastructure is the difference between headlines and bottom lines. The insight and visibility you need are simply not possible with curated or finished threat intelligence.
“The worst part when thinking about supply chain security is the software supply chain compromise which is just a horror show, and when you look at all the news that comes out every day, it's turning into more of a horror show by the moment.”Analyst, Large Retail Bank
Being reactive is no longer an option for the digital age, allowing threat actors to infiltrate your networks, and disrupt with profit-draining ransomware drain. Team Cymru’s threat platforms provide the most complete and expansive visibility of your threats and the risks that relate to your organization.
Mitigating Repeat Ransomware Attackers
Your missing strategic advantage is now knowing your adversary and their infrastructure as you do your own, and being unaware when your supply chain is compromised. Evasive code used by your adversaries can linger for months before starting outbound communications that are missed by your security technologies.
“...we saw a major increase in ransomware hitting our third parties. If they are compromised in any way, shape, or form, then our IR and legal teams become actively involved. They make sure that no data related to us is leaked, that [the third party’s] network is secure and that [the third party] won’t be used as a pivot to get into our networks.” Lead security analyst, Global Retailer
Team Cymru threat platforms provide the visibility your teams need to ensure no lingering attacker malware or code is beaconing out to malicious infrastructure - a signal of continuous infection.
Anticipating Ransomware Attacks
Yesterday's threat intelligence is stale and not useful for the knowledge you need to make effective decisions today. Reliance on third-party generated and curated threat intelligence only provides vague and generic information about threats that may, or may not, directly impact your organization. Think about how much time you waste on digesting but disregarding stale threat intelligence.
“With Recon, we map the infrastructure being used by some ransomware groups. We block them from entering our network, monitor their infrastructures as they evolve, and monitor potential victims such as third-party entities. When [a third party is] compromised, we identify it with Recon, then tell [the third party] how [the threat actor] got in ... and what they need to do to stop them immediately.” Lead security analyst, Global Retailer
Our threat platforms put you in control of the knowledge you need to make agile and effective decisions, that ultimately lead to longer lasting outcomes. Without curation or finished reports, your teams directly access the information that gives you the advantage: nowhere to hide for your most persistent Ransomware adversaries.
Learn about the time Team Cymru teamed up with law enforcement agencies and network operators across the globe in the first Emotet Ransomware takedown ever here.
“Emotet was instrumental in some of the worst cyber attacks in recent times and enabled up to seventy percent of the world’s malware including the likes of Trickbot and RYUK, which have had a significant economic impact on UK businesses,” the UK’s National Crime Agency said. Source:
“While a unique level of visibility was key in auditing and vetting the tier 1 controllers being targeted for takeover or takedown, the collaboration among ISPs worldwide was truly the critical element. These network operators are the heroes in this story. Because of this collaborative effort, bad actors have been arrested and the Internet is a safer place for the time being,” Source: Team Cymru