Nimbus click through EULA
By clicking Agree with the following EULA you agree to be bound by the following terms, and using the Nimbus™ System further indicates your agreement. You also agree to enter in to a written Data Exchange SOW agreement with Team Cymru including these key terms and other administrative terms.
Team Cymru, Inc. (“Team Cymru”) is entering into a mutual exchange arrangement with your entity (“PARTNER”) for specific services to assist one another in enhancing/establishing business relationships with third party clients and/or for the purpose of monitoring and securing any owned and/or managed networks and systems. Such services, whether provided upon the execution of this SOW or subsequently, and which includes not only written materials but also information transferred orally, visually, electronically or by other means, together with the analyses, compilations, studies or other documents prepared by a party or its representatives which contain or otherwise reflect any of the information (and any copies of the foregoing), is herein referred to collectively as the “Data Exchange Services”.
The Data Exchange Services will be provided to one another, subject to the terms and conditions listed below, and in Team Cymru Data Service Exchange Master Terms and Conditions
The Data Exchange Services are subject to the Confidentiality terms located in Section 7 of the Team Cymru Data Service Exchange Master Terms and Conditions
1. Data provided by Team Cymru to PARTNER:
a. Team Cymru managed and maintained Nimbus™ System Team Cymru shall manage and maintain a remote Nimbus™ System.
b. Controller Feed. The Controller Feed contains all of our botnet controller data to provide a view of Command and Control (C2) for IRC-based, HTTPbased and P2P-based botnets. This feed provides the full URL and detail, including malware hash and DNS Resource Record, of the controllers.
2. Data provided by PARTNER to Team Cymru:
a. Partner shall export flow data as input to Nimbus™ system.
3. Terms of Use/EULA:
Commercial License. Each party hereby grants to the other party, a worldwide, nonexclusive irrevocable, sublicensable right to use, copy, perform, and create derivative works of and otherwise modify the Data for any purpose including without limitation the purpose of creating, developing, marketing and selling proprietary software, databases or services such as email filtering applications, blacklists and whitelists.